TeachMeetGA 2013!
January 19, 2013
8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
(check in from 8 - 8:30 a.m.)
Keynote Speaker: Josh Stumpenhorst
(AKA @stumpteacher)
Theme: Moving Forward
Kennesaw State University Center
3333 Busbee Drive
Kennesaw, GA 30144
Click for directions to KSU Center
For updates, follow us on Twitter via hashtag: #TMGA13
Presenter Registration Form
Although TeachMeetGA 2012 grew significantly from the first year, we want to grow even more in 2013. This year, TeachMeetGA is on Saturday, January 19, 2013. Since that Saturday happens to fall on a three-day weekend for most educators, people can come have a full day of learning and sharing and STILL have two days to relax and process all the information. People from outside the immediate area can come to Atlanta for the extended weekend--perhaps take time to visit The King Center on this special weekend.
For updates, follow the hashtag #tmga13 as we plan for the upcoming event.
TeachMeet is a grassroots experience organized by educators, for educators. People who have been to TeachMeet like to call it the unconference. TeachMeet (un)conferences happen all over the world. They are put on by teachers, for teachers, at no cost. These FREE events are underwritten by generous sponsors.
SCHEDULE: A skeleton of the schedule for the 2013 event is available. Since TeachMeetGA follows the "unconference" format, sessions will be developed and added up until the week of the event. The more educators who volunteer to present, the more sessions that will be added. A schedule with session descriptions will not be posted just before the event.
2013 Special Guests: (We'll fill this in as people confirm.)
The Details for the 2013 event For questions not answered below, please email teachmeetga@gmail.com for a personal response.
- TeachMeetGA is January 19, 2013, from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. It will be held at the Continuing Education Center of Kennesaw State University.
- You will be able to network and see what works for real teachers in their classrooms.
- Refreshments/lunch will be provided to allow ample time for networking and collaboration.
- Anyone can present and the topics are open, so click on the presentation pages to submit topic ideas. We want this to be useful to teachers, so the teachers coming have input and control over the conference.
- The presentations and organization will reflect best practices that we can model for our students.
- There will be no long PowerPoint presentations.
- Presentations are 15-20 minutes long and there is always more than one running at once, so everyone should be able to find things that suit their interest.
- Presentations can be made in person or via Skype. We encourage you to include students and/or student products in presentations.
- FREE wireless is available and you are encouraged to bring your laptop, netbook, iPad, etc.
- A computer lab monitored by an experienced user will be available for participants to explore tools like presented during the presentations.
- This (un)conference will focus mostly on applications of educational technology for authentic learning. This encompasses Web 2.0 tools, learning management systems, wikis, Nings, social networks, Google Tools, and more. You can add additional suggestions on the registration page or email teachmeetga@gmail.com.
To join our sponsor team for TeachMeetGA 2013, please email teachmeetga@gmail.com.
789 Cobb Parkway S.E. Marietta, GA 30060

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Resources from TeachMeetGA 2012
Information from TeachMeetGA 2011
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